Monday, January 5, 2009

Involving the Kids:::Gina

Last night, Quinn took this book to bed with him.
Quinn's light and fluffy pancakes
He woke up determined to make pancakes for breakfast (even though he is, without fail, the last person up).
Quinn's light and fluffy pancakes
I'm not a big fan of big-production breakfasts, but he learned a lot doing this. Hopefully it won't be long before I have to have zero involvement (I already made him do all the dishes, lol). Though I preach involving the kids in household tasks, in reality I would much rather just do it quickly and efficiently. But, ultimately, if I can have three or four meal-preparers in the house, it's far more likely we'll eat in instead of going out because I'm too tired or busy to cook.
Quinn's light and fluffy pancakes
They were a big hit--enjoyed by all (except mom, who is determined to go no-carb until she gets the holiday weight off).
Quinn's light and fluffy pancakes


  1. they look so yummy ... light and fluffy! (and i don't even like pancakes normally.)

  2. I agree! Getting the kids involved is a great idea. Not only does it teach them life skills but also gives us a break. Shaylan knows how to make several things. Liam can also put together things like grilled cheese and opening a can of Bernios and heating it up.
