Monday, December 29, 2008

Not Eating Out For A Year:::Tammy

First of all, we eat out a lot. Most nights when my husband is off we have "late night."   It is a habit we started a long time ago. I think at first staying in will be easy. It's later that may be difficult.

He was on board when I suggested it to him though I had to promise him that we would do it a week at a time.

Our teen was insisting that "year" meant Jan1 to Dec 31. She was hoping for some leeway. Since she can only have junk food if we can have it she'll be begging food off her friends I guess. :D

On that note....we went to a new church on Sunday and all first time guests get a fast food gift card. Our family of nine (Dad was home) was gifted with $90 of gift cards for DQ. :D I'll be holding on to those.

We menu plan but our problem is that we don't like what is being served (though we insist the kids eat it--go figure) and we end up eating out, skipping our dinner to eat later. So I need to beef up the menu or just learn to be content with what I have planned on the menu.

We will be menu planning today as we usually do every two weeks. We are also trying to eat from our pantry so we buy less food and save even more money. Let's see what I can come up with.

Tonight we are having ham loaf. It's a favorite and goes pretty fast. I think I will try to make four and freeze two.

Tonight will be hard because my husband is off and we like to watch a movie and have late night as we call it around here. But....considering I am trying to watch less tv, late night might not even cross our minds.

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