Sunday, December 28, 2008

Failing to Plan:::Monique

Okay, I will post, but not about tonight's Ham and Beans.  My MIL made them and, alas, I did not take a picture.  They were pretty good and she also made huge dumplings to go with them.  I don't eat ham (clogs the intestines, but no, I'm not Jewish) but the beans were pretty good.  I'm not quite sure what happened to the cornbread, but it fell apart when I took it out of the pan.   It tasted good though.  I didn't bake that either.  ;)  

I have actually been trying not to eat out since this summer.  The biggest thing I've found to help in this department is planning our meals.  I have planned for a long time.  I used to plan biweekly because that's how often DH gets paid.  I would just make a list of meals and we would shop for them and then eat them in random order as to our tastes and likes for the day.  Then I came upon The Organizing Junkie.  Have you seen this blog?   She does Menu Plan Monday.  I decided to try it.  It couldn't make that big of a difference, planning weekly, could it?  Oh boy, was I wrong.  I use this form from  I plan breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tea (aka afternoon snack).  

1 comment:

  1. I like to do a monthly meal plan. However, I haven't done meal plans for breakfast, lunch, and snacks! I should try that!!
